
All The Pretty Princesses


Children's Book Week

Celebrate reading this week.

Children's Book Week (link) originated in the belief that children's books and literacy are life-changers.

Books  really do change lives.

Just this last week the Queen Mommies heard a story about a book we gave to a local non-profit organization that benefits children. Rebekah Grace was given as a birthday gift to a 4 year old Princess who when given the book would not let it go. She was so thrilled to have a book of "her own" and even better to have one about Princesses.

We were also honored to visit our local children's hospital and host a special reading time. We left books for them to give as a special gift to some of their patients. A few months later at a large event with hundreds of little Princesses we met a beautiful Princess who told us how she was given the book during her stay at the hospital. We were pleased to have the opportunity to autograph her now well used book.

Make sure to take some time this week to read to a child, go to the library, visit a book store or donate a book to a child.

"Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him." Maya Angelou

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