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We are Kreativ!

Nicki and I received an award from our uber-talented friend A.D Duling over at Here She Goes Again. We love awards and are especially fond of this very pretty pink one!

Now part of receiving this wonderful award is of that we must pass the love onto others and nominate 7 blogs that we feel are also deserving of this award.  After that we get to answer 10 questions about us and then 10 random facts about us that you did not know! Now here's to hoping the Queen Mommies here at the Practically Perfect Princess don't disappoint.

Our 7 nominees:

Our Funny Little Family- Shantel you know we love you and just want to make sure the rest of the world discovers your wonderfully delightful and "Kreativ" blog.  

The NY Melrose Family- Jenny has created an amazing blog, a real hub for creativity. We have found so many wonderful projects and ideas, many of which have now made their way onto our bucket list of summer activities!

Amy at Be the best version of yourself..... While wearing heels- This blog is fantastic. Filled with great crafting ideas and snippets of daily life. Don't miss it!

Life on the Mamarific Merry- Go- Round-  Jennifer is such a talented writer who shares life experiences in a way that women and mother's everywhere can understand and totally relate to.  Queen Mommy Jen is particularly fond of her most recent piece on Justice, Preach on Sister!

Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas- Make sure to visit this blog. Bern has found a great way to share her beautiful family, their fun crafting and learning projects and mixes it all in with touches of whimsy and of course lessons on being posh!

Two Sasters- We have to love 2 sisters who work together on projects big and small. Cortnee and Cari have a fabulous Etsy shop, but have so much more to share on their blog. Make sure to take a minute and visit their blog. We promise you'll come away with some great ideas.

The Epic Adventures of a Modern Mom- Char is a true Renaissance women. She pulls in bits of everything ideas for the family, crafts, home DIY, well thought out articles and delivers it all in an epic manner.

Now to answer our  10 questions  : We're going to tag team on this one.
1. What is your favorite song? Jen- With two girls that love Taylor Swift, I am usually humming or listening to one of her songs. My oldest Princess usually trades out new Taylor Swift songs for my ring tone on a regular basis.
2. What is your favorite dessert? Nicki- Creme Brulee.
3. What ticks you off? Jen- People who are mean to my kids.
4. What do you do when you’re upset? Nicki-  Smile and walk away.
5. Which is/was your favorite pet? Nicki and Jen- One we don't have to clean up after.
6. Which do you prefer, black or white? Nicki and Jen- Black it looks better with pink and red.
7. What is your biggest fear? Nick and Jen- Something happening to our kids.
8. What is your attitude mostly? Nicki and Jen- When is the next meal?
9. What is perfection? Nicki and Jen-A newborn baby.
10. What is your guilty pleasure? Nicki and Jen-Vampires, zombies and werewolves oh my!

Ten random facts about us:

1. We come from Hispanic heritage and have the unfortunate genetically inherited trait of out of control curly hair.
2. Nicki loves the color red and Jen loves pink. Together we usually look like a Valentine's Day card.
3. We both attended Barbizon school for modeling.
4. We are klutzes. Usually there is at least a handful of bruises peppering our body at any given time.
5. Nicki has a law degree and is a practicing attorney. Jennifer has a PR degree. She is a SAHM, but quite often does contracts and campaigns from home.
6.We love tamales, tacos and all kinds of Mexican food.
7. We have plans in case there is a zombie apocalypse.
8. Together we are mean team at organizing and could go into the organization business someday.
9. Our kids really love each other and play quite well together.
10. We are vacuuming fanatics, don't ask our family how many times a week we do this.

Wowzah, that was long. Thanks for reading through it and make sure to check out our nominees!


  1. Thank you for this amazing award!! I can't wait to put it on my blog! Loved learning new things about you gals!! Love that you look like walking valentines!! Maybe Rebekah Grace will have a Valentine's book with both your favorite colors....;) Thank you again and I appreciate all the love and support!

  2. Thank you so much for the fun award, ladies!Love your site, too. It seems like my girl went from the Princess stage to the Justice stage in the blink of an eye.

    Some days, I'd give anything to see her come around the corner wearing a tiara again!

  3. Congratulations on being an award winning blog. Thanks for sharing your award with me. I am humbled to be included in this list of talented and inspiring bloggers. I loved the fun facts and getting to know you both better. You really should check out Thrifty Crafty Girl, she does a post once a week about how to prepare for a Zombie invasion (sounds like you would get a kick out of that). I love tamales but I don't know anyone that makes them from scratch...will we ever see a princess tamale post?

  4. Congratulations to the two of you for winning this award and thank you so much for passing this great award on to me Jennifer and Nicki. That's so sweet of you!

  5. AW, you guys are too sweet! Thank you so much for passing on this award to us:) Loved reading all the random fun!!!

  6. You ladies deserve it and don't worry, I vacumn alot too! Congrats!

  7. I agree, perfection is a newborn. Following back :o)

  8. Hi I was also a winner for the Kreativ Blogger and I like your posts. I am your newest follower... I hope you can follow back at

  9. This is a great post! I think you accidentally ended up at My Life As Lucille, and thought HUH? We're way more normal than it might appear and you might like earth2body sisters - things we love. Stop by and say hello. I hope you won't mind if we borrow your idea? We'll give credit, of course.



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