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Another Little Princess

Hello all,

Hope your Holidays have been filled with love, family and all things good. Sometimes this time of year can be a bit overwhelming and we quite often look forward to a new year filled with new possibilities and opportunities. I know I am!

A few months back I announced that our family will be welcoming a new little Prince or Princess in March of 2013. Well, after quite a few ultra sounds it looks like we will be welcoming a Princess! I actually was positive it was a little boy and was shocked when they told me it was a girl, but hey we do Princesses pretty well around here so this should be fun!

Now, in preparation for this event we have a little preschool Princess in our home named Rebekah who we will need to get used to the idea that she will have to share her crown with another little Princess. Get ready for some hilarity and fodder for new books to ensue.

Nicki and I also wanted to thank you for all of your support and enthusiasm for out little Princess adventure. We have been so excited by the response the book has received along with the hundreds and hundreds of people who have shown up to our Princess Palooza parties. Thank you! If you have any places you would like us to come visit send us an email and we'll see if we can come host a royal gathering in your area

Viva Princesses!


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